Saturday, April 14, 2007

I ave decided to be goin to help our new allies dem Blood Elveses... Me moved to their lands and aid them in their tasks. Me be keepin me fingers and toes crossed me will be rewarded with one of dem dere mounts. They be big birds like plainstriders only not see?

Friday, April 13, 2007

I be back Mon. It be over more den a year and it be time for a fresh new start. Me be suffrin from a terrible blow to da 'ead and me be forced to start over from scratch. But i start out with good cheer and courage ready to prove me be da same One and Only Troll Shaman in Azeroth. We be talkin' to da old guild Anathema and we be awaitin word back to see if they be ready to be graced by me presence once again.

Also....da chat in da Barrens....i must have been blocking out dat memory. Dear Jujubi it be truely 'orrible Mon. Oh and also...jumping down da secret path to get to Ratchet and its flightpath....not the bestest idea evah.